Porcelain utility washed in hot soapy water. Due to the ease of bruising, do not put the bowl more than 2-3 pieces at a time. Decorative porcelain wash after one play, in cold water with juice of one lemon in 1l of water, using a soft cloth and wiping the old, washed cloth. Figurines, statuettes and other ornaments of porcelain leaves in water for 1-2 hours. If you live in a place of our water is soft (not limestone), figurines dried without rinsing. In the case of hard lime water, you rinse them abundantly.
Stoneware washed in warm
Faience and Stoneware washed in warm, soapy water and rinsed in several waters to the same temperature. Avoid sudden temperature changes should be, ie transfer from the hot water to cold and vice versa.VASES NOT TO earthenware leak, you must impregnate. For this purpose, dissolve in a water bath of paraffin and a little brush with the interior of pre-lubricated and dried thoroughly vase, slightly HORSEHAIR pulling the bottom. Leave for 24 hours. And then pour cold water, put flowers and without fear we put on the table. Such a procedure should be repeated periodically.
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